Carmen Tsang, DMD

Westminster Dentist

Dr. Carmen Tsang, Dentist in Westminster, CODr. Tsang has been practicing in Colorado for over 14 years. She studied Bioengineering at the University of California Berkeley before attending the University of Nevada School of Dental Medicine. Her husband is an alumnus of University of Colorado Boulder, and they have made the North Denver Metro area their home along with their two boys.

Dr. Tsang is a member of the American Dental Association, the Colorado Dental Association, and the Metro Denver Dental Society. She enjoys spending time with her two active little boys and going hiking and skiing in the mountains. She also likes traveling, meeting new people, and snorkeling and diving when near an ocean.


Contact Cherry Blossom Dental today
to schedule your appointment with Dr. Tsang!

Schedule an Appointment  Cherry Blossom Dental Phone Number (303) 451-5599